Sunday, March 26, 2006

Wilfrerd meets Statue

Wilfred meets Darth Vader Posted by Picasa

On the Way to School

Signs of spring! Posted by Picasa

Play time!

Wilfred thinks it's play time! Check mate!  Posted by Picasa

Wilfred at my Favorite Coffee Shop

Wifred geting some coffee at Frauenbergers... we're all fans of Frauenbergers! Just north of the Salzach and they give you a HUGE cup of coffee unlike all the other places in town. Posted by Picasa

Wilfred 1

Wilfred's waiting for the bus. Posted by Picasa

Bye Bye Venice

What a wonderful, unforgetable weekend... Anne and I didn't want to part from eachother or this dazzling city. Truly just a magnificent dream... Posted by Picasa

Saying Good Bye to Venice

Pleasantly pleased by Venice and delicious gelato Posted by Picasa

Cute Painter girl

Artist at work Posted by Picasa

Yay Venice

we were sernaded by the passing gondola Posted by Picasa

Steer Clear Ahead

Wilfred manning the ship! Posted by Picasa

Venice 1

Breathtaking Posted by Picasa

Hotel in Venice

We spent the night with lions Posted by Picasa